State Convention
2025 MA Elks Association State Convention

2025 MA Elks Association’s State Convention News
3/10/25: From the State Convention Committee:
The Mass Elks Association State Convention Committee is pleased to announce that for the first time since 2015 our State Convention is completely sold out.
Any future reservation applications received will be put on a waiting list in case there are any cancellations.
Tony, Dan & Dave
1/21/25: From the State Convention Committee:
The State Convention Committee along with our President Elect will be traveling down to Hyannis this Friday January 24th to do a site visit and to deliver the Reservation Forms and deposits.
Credit Cards listed will be charged and checks should start to clear within 2 to five days from January 24th.
Please Note: As of today we will only accept credit cards for any future reservation deposits.
As previously posted, we are completely sold out for our early Thursday arrivals.
We still have rooms available for any Friday arrival request.
1/13/25: From the State Convention Committee:
We are sold out of early Thursday June 5, 2025 arrivals for the Massachusetts Elks State Convention.
We still have rooms available for Friday June 6th arrivals.
11/10/24: Convention Chairman, Tony Piccolo, announces that applications for the 2025 MA Elks State Convention, which will be held at the Emerald Resort & Conference Center at Hyannis on June 6-8, are available for download NOW!
Applications may be returned via US Mail First Class or e-mailed. All applications including the Exalted Rulers will be handled on a first come first serve basis.
No Deposit will be required for those receiving a full package or half package from the Mass Elks Association.
A deposit of $200.00 is required per reservation form. State Officers and Committee people entitled to a Full or half package are requested to fill out applications as well: however, anyone entitled to a full package or half package only may omit the deposit.
Please note that all deposits may be made by Check or Credit Card.
-Complete Single Occupancy Package – $435.00 Per Room
-Complete Double Occupancy Package – $498.00 Per Room
-$168.24 per room per night Single or Double Occupancy for Wednesday or Thursday arrivals Hospitality Rooms – No Meals – No Beds – two Nights – $336.48
For those not staying at the convention hotel but joining the convention are offered Plan B. Cocktail & Reception only $64.00 per person. Reservations and Payment for Plan B choices must be made no later than 1 week before the convention and will not be sold at the convention.
Applications will be sent to all State Officers, State Committee Members and the Grand Lodge Family who are entitled to a full or half package. Applications will also be sent through our State Secretary Mark Cronin to all Lodge Exalted Ruler’s and Secretaries.
Please remember that we are only assigned 80 rooms on Thursday. Last year we were sold out by early February.
All reservations must be submitted to us by April 1, 2025
Please e-mail Tony, Dave or Dan with any questions or if you need a State Convention Form.
Tony Piccolo, Chairman
Dave Charbonneau, Vice Chairman
Dan DeGregorio, Vice Chairman
State Convention Notes
· Applications using a credit card for a deposit can be e-mailed to Tony Piccolo.
· When filling out your application, please print clearly and try to use black ink. We need to make copies to submit to the Hotel
· Please be sure to fill out your application properly. If the lodge does not know who their ER or officers attending are going to be, then you can fill out the form and simply use Lodge Name ER or Lodge Name Officer.
· Do not send me a blank form and a check. Every form must be completely filled out and include a phone number.
· If you mark off Double Occupancy, please put down who you are rooming with. Spouse or Guest. Do not leave the rooming with line blank if you check off Double Occupancy.
· If you need a handicap room or have to be on the first floor due to physical limitations, please mark that on your application in the special request box on the form.
· If you were at the Convention last year and would like to have the same room this year, please “mark same room as last year in the Special Request Box on your application. We will make every effort to accommodate you.
· Credit cards will not be charged and checks will not be deposited until sometime mid January when the committee brings the applications and deposits down to Hyannis
· We will let you know through our Mass Elks e-mail system when exactly that will happen so you can expect to see the charge on your credit card or your checks cleared.
· We will be assigning rooms as I receive the applications so do not send me an application in February requesting a certain room type or floor and expect that request to be fulfilled.
· It is also important for you to know that any cancellations must be submitted one week prior to the Convention in order for you to receive your deposit back.
· As in the past, for those of you staying offsite you may purchase separately the Saturday Night Banquet. – We will not need the form or the money for those events until mid May. Members attending will be required to wear a jacket and tie for the men and appropriate attire for the ladies. Installing Officers, Suites and Grand Lodge Family will be in white formal attire.
· Regarding the Installation of Officers. We will begin at 4:15 – Cocktail Hour will be 4:30- 5:30 then dinner immediately after.
· We will have three hospitality rooms in the courtyard in addition to the President’s State Room in Orleans A & B. They must close by midnight.
· Lastly and this is very important. Please do not Facebook, Text or Message me with any State Convention requests. All requests or questions must go through my e-mail system as that is my paper trail and reference point.