Lodges, PLEASE post this Raffle on your Social Media Accounts!

The Mass Elks Association has unveiled a new program to help fund the charitable efforts of the association, and for it to be sucessful, we need your help promoting it!

Below is a step-by-step sample of text you can copy and paste to your Facebook, Instagram, and other Social Media Accounts.

Step 1: Copy the below text and paste it into the body of you Social Media Post:

NEW Raffle for 2025 through the MA Elks Association! The State Calendar Raffle – win up to 365 times! Raffle Tickets AVAILABLE HERE at our Lodge! Come on down and purchase them as we only have a limited number of tickets available! Visit the below link to learn more about the raffle!

Step 2: Click on the “Share” symbol below and copy that link. You would then paste that link in the body of your Social Media Post.

State Calendar Raffle

Step 3: Click here to download the Official Calendar Raffle photo to add to your Social Media Post.

Step 4: If you have a specific person in your Lodge who is selling the tickets, think about adding this to your posts, so that people know who to reach out to.

Step 5: Publish your post! Ask others to share the post!

Posting on Social Media is either easy for a person or hard, it all depends on how skilled the person is with posting. And we understand! If you or your Lodge would like assistance on how to post this all properly, please do not hesitate to reach our to our State Media Coordinator, Chris, at:

Below is what a post should look like on Facebook:


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