State President’s Testimonial
2024-2025 State President, Massachusetts Elks Association,
Michael A. Delfino
Join us for a wonderful evening in celebration of our Massachusetts Elks Association State President, Michael Delfino.
DATE: Saturday, May 17, 2025
TIMES: Cocktails 2:30pm, Dinner 3:30pm
LOCATION: Maynard/Clinton Lodge #1568

Biography of Michael A. Delfino, State President 2024-2025
Mike was initiated into the Elks in 2001 and immediately got involved just after a few months, serving as Lodge trustee, then onto the officer chairs, then as Exalted ruler in 2008-2009.
Mike was elected as a State Trustee from the Metro-West District for the Mass Elks Association from 2010-2013, serving as State Trustee secretary for 2 years.
He became Esquire to District Deputy Karen Norton, then served as District Deputy of the Metropolitan-West District from 2013-14.
Mike also served as a member of a Steering Committee of a local lodge from 2014-2017, and its Chair from 2015-2017.
He was District chair of the Mass Elks Scholarships in 2014-2022 and State Coordinator Mass Elks Media Committee in 2016-2024, helping to guide us into the social media age.
Mike served and Chair of State credentials from 2018-19 and Exalted Ruler again of his lodge from 2019-2020.
In 2021 Mike was elected to serve as 2nd Vice President of the Massachusetts State Elks Association and continued to serve as 1st Vice President and President-Elect.
Mike is an Honorary Life member and was officer of the year in 2019.
Mikes continued hard work, commitment and service shows us that he is ready and committed to serve as President of the Massachusetts State Elks Association. Finally, Mike is over the “Hump.”
Mike is looking forward to an amazing year as president. His theme is “Bringing Friends together” because, not only are we Elks, but we strengthen that amazing bond by everyone being friends as well.