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Membership & Lapsation

Membership Matters in Massachusetts!

Our members will always be the lifeblood of our great Order and we as Elks must work together to maintain our membership and to make every effort to promote its growth.

The Massachusetts Elks Association begin this fraternal year 2024-2025 with 36,315 Members in our 55 Lodges spread out across this magnificent Commonwealth. This number generated after finishing the 2023-2024 year with a net gain of 176 Members. This has given us a net gain in consecutive years in which we have gained 386 Members through that 3-year period. This is a great accomplishment, and we must continue to build on that growth. Exalted Rulers you must have strong and constant communication with your Membership Committee regarding delinquent Members, reinstatements and applications for membership. It is important that we continue Initiating new Members frequently as we should not leave them in waiting too long. Our Association seems to average around 500 candidates in waiting and we need to do our best in lowering that average. These candidates have asked to join us so let’s not make them wait!

The other important aspect of membership is the involvement of our new Members in our activities and leadership roles. The best chance that we have in gaining their interest is throughout the “I” program (Interview, Indoctrinate, Initiate). This is where we have the perfect opportunity to emphasize on the Charitable works that our Lodges are involved in. It gives us the chance to interact with each candidate to see what their interests may be and to explain to them the needs that we have and the leadership opportunities within our Lodges. This is how we promote Elkdom!  Tell them it’s great to be an Elk and give them a reason to stay!

I encourage all of you to visit and utilize the information that has been made available for you in the Membership Toolkit.


Fraternally, Bob Wambach, PSP, GLC, State Membership Chair

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