Elks Government Relations...What Is It?
The purpose of the Elks Government Relations Program is to help protect our Order’s right to exist as a private organization. Legislative bodies at the National, State, and Local level often consider legislation which would negatively impact our exercise of this freedom. Additionally, there are areas where fair and appropriate legislation would enhance our community and charitable work. To effect this, Elks need to be aware and need to establish positive relationships with their legislators—Local, State, and National.
The Elks Government Relations Program is carried out at the Grand Lodge, State, District, and Subordinate Lodge levels. All Committee Members at every level must recognize that their activities are very important and essential elements of this effort. Our effectivnes depends on all facets of the organization being as active as possible and interfacing with each other.

How Can You Help at the Lodge or State Level?
Local Lodge & State Association Charitable Reporting is KEY! The Elks Government Relations Committee is charged with ensuring that the tremendous amount of charitable work being done by our Members, Local Lodges, and State Associations is fully, completely, and accurately maintained throughout the year and reported as part of the Grand Lodge Annual Report.
Are you a Committee Chair at the Local Lodge or State Level? If so, please utilize the below form for ANY charitable event you oversee. Fill-out the form completely and turn it into your Lodge Secretary (State Secretary for State Association Events.)
See All that The MA Elks Do!
“The Massachusetts Elks Association is one of the most active Associations in our great Country, thanks to Massachusetts Members like YOU! Click the link below to view the MA Elks Community Impact Report, which describes all that we do as an Association for our Communities. Please, share this information with your fellow Members and your Local Legislatures. And thank you for all you do to assist in this cause.”
-Robert E. Wambach, PSP, Grand Lodge Government Relations Committeeman

Want to Learn More?
Below, you will find more useful information on the Elks Government Relations Program.
The below link is the latest presentation on all that the Government Relations Program does fully, and GREAT information for ALL Government Relations Committee Members & Lodge and State Chairpeople.
The below link takes you to the Grand Lodge Government Relations Program website, which includes Govenment Relations Committee Rules, Committee Roster, and other useful information.