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Flag Day (United States)

Did you know that The Elks prompted President Woodrow Wilson to recognize the Order’s observance of Flag Day for its patriotic expression?

Patriotism has characterized the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America since the early days of the organization. Allegiance to the flag of our country is a requirement of every member. In 1907, the Grand Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks designated, by resolution, June 14 as Flag Day. The Grand Lodge of the Order adopted mandatory observance of the occasion by every Lodge in 1911, and that requirement continues.

But it was not until 1949 when President Harry Truman, himself a member of the Elks, made the proclamation that thereafter June 14 would be a day of national observance for the symbol of our country. It was through his Elks Lodge in Independence, Missouri, that President Truman got the idea for a national observance of Flag Day.

Today, all Lodges across the Country present a beautiful Flag Day Ritual, performed by our Lodge Officers and local Veterans, explaining the history of all the flags throughout the existence of our great Country! If you have never been to this annual Elks event at your Local Lodge, you may want to consider it! It really is a very special day! There is no such red in budding rose, in falling leaf, or sparkling wine; no such white in April blossom, in crescent moon, or mountain snow; no such blue in woman’s eye, in ocean’s depth, or heaven’s dome; and no such pageantry of clustering stars and streaming light in all the spectrum of the sea and sky.

Auburn, MA Lodge #2118 Flag Day Ritual